Today's global economy brings with it a unique set of parameters in which commercial industries and businesses must abide. Understanding international laws, including any type of law that affects people across national borders and involves not only treaty laws between nations but also national laws that affect international affairs is critical.

International Commercial Litigation Counsel
International business transactions covers the formation, establishment and functioning of the transnational enterprise, transnational contracts, and transnational trade regulation which includes customs duties, tariffs and subsidies, anti dumping and international antitrust measures and their consequences.
We are knowledgeable about these factors and we have the skills and experience to successfully represent clients in business transactions, litigation and arbitration in the United States and abroad.
Meeting Your Business's International Needs
Our knowledge and experience in the area of international litigation is comprehensive, meeting the needs of local companies doing business abroad, foreign and multi-national enterprises having a presence in the United States, and foreign governments with commercial ventures in another country.
We are also experienced in meeting our clients’ needs regarding immigration matters, such as employee visas; professional and personal immigration issues.
If you are looking to expand your business overseas contact us at 858-481-5606.